
Welcome to Codes for Life (C4L)

Research Themes

The specific research themes of the Codes For Life NRT lie at the intersection of genomics and proteomics. These are two scientific communities that both rely heavily on computational approaches but which are unfortunately siloed.  However, even if this is not your area of research focus, being a C4L trainee might make sense for you! Furthermore, nearly all of the training activities are open to all CCIB students (and even all RU-C STEM Graduate students) so you can also follow along on a voluntary basis.

Why join the C4L track?

There are multiple benefits to joining the C4L track as a CCIB graduate student.  These include: 

  1. The opportunity to both experience innovative training models and directly contribute to improving them. 
  2. The CCIB graduate program provides an impressive breadth of knowledge and flexibility, but this can come at the expense of advanced computational skills.  As a C4L graduate, our goal is that your computational skills will be more advanced than what you would have from nearly any other U.S. program in the life or physical sciences.  
  3. NRT model programs are competitive, and being an NRT trainee adds a noteworthy element to your CV! You can read more about the NRT model here 
  4. If you are a U.S. citizen and a PhD student, you may be eligible for an NRT fellowship that will fund you for one or two years, during which you would not need to do a TA-ship and your advisor would not need to pay you from a grant.  

Applying to the C4L Program

Incoming students should apply by the beginning of their third semester.