Codes for Life Workshops 2024

All Workshops are Scheduled in JHSC from 11:20 am-12:20 pm unless otherwise noted. The JHSC is located at 201 South Broadway, Camden, NJ 08103.

Intro to Python Programming (2-part workshop) In-person hosted by Software Carpentry Instructors

Dates: September 12 and 13 (2:00 PM-6:00 PM)
Location: JHSC 104BC

Are you an experimental student who wants to break their dependence on excel for plotting? Are you a new student rotating in a computational lab? This workshop is designed to cover the basics of programming in Python, with a special emphasis on manipulating data and plotting. Over the course of 8 hours (spread across two days) we will cover how to use a Jupyter notebook, variables and assignment, data types and type conversion, built-in functions and how to get help, libraries (numpy, pandas, and matplotlib), data manipulation, and plotting. This workshop is led by Software Carpentries certified CCIB student instructors.

This is a 2-day in person workshop in JHSC 104BC September 12 and September 13 from 2pm-6pm

Location: 201 S Broadway Camden, NJ 08103

Code Review with Testing hosted by Sunil Shende (2-part workshop) In-person

Dates: September 18 JHSC104A (11:20 AM-12:20 PM) & October 9 104BC (11:20 AM-12:20 PM)

Code Review is best suited for those with intermediate coding skills who have taken at least 2 computer science courses or have 1 year of research experience. Code Review will be held in 2 parts, if registering for this workshop you should plan on attending both sessions.

If you are planning on attending please join the #code_review channel on CCIB Slack and email Dr. Shende the following prior to the workshop:

  • the specific snippets that we will be reviewing
  • any specific reasons why you want the code to be reviewed
  • which aspects of code review you would like addressed (documentation, linting, appropriate use of APIs
  • testing issues; code opacity etc.

Scientific Figure Makeover Workshop hosted by Guillaume Lamoureux (2-part workshop) Virtual

Dates: September 25 & October 16 2024 (11:20 AM-12:20 PM)

Location: Virtual (Zoom)

September 25 11:20-12:20pm
October 16 11:20-12:20pm

This is a 2 part workshop. If you are registering you should plan on attending both sessions to get the maximum benefit from this workshop. 

The “Figure Makeover” workshop provides participants with an opportunity to present a figure they are currently preparing for publication, to discuss the presentation/communication challenges they are facing with it, and to receive feedback from their peers and from the instructor. (We will discuss as many figures as time allows. Complex/problematic figures welcome!)

Learning Goals for this workshop:
– Students will become more aware of what is required from a publication-quality figure and of what makes a figure effective at communicating information
– Students will practice providing/receiving feedback to/from their peers

iJOBS Career Panel: Non-research careers with a PhD hosted by Janet Alder Hybrid

Date: October 10 (12:45pm-1:45pm)

Location: JHSC 104BC

Your PhD can take you in many different directions, some of which you may have not even considered! Come meet a panel of Rutgers graduate school alumni to learn how they each took skills obtained in their PhD program and apply them in science-related careers including non-profits (Melissa VonDran), equity research (Lauren Timmins), consulting (Courtney Grady), medical communications/consulting (Juan Valdez Cappuccino), and patent law (Danielle Kozlowsky). There will be networking opportunity for those who attend in person.

Machine Learning with application in Bioinformatics hosted by Iman Dehzangi Hybrid

Date: October 23

Location: JHSC 104BC (11:00 AM-1:00 PM)

Introduction to Machine Learning (with applications in Bioinformatics) with Dr. Iman Dehzangi (Computer Science Professor and CCIB Member)

Nowadays we hear a lot about Machine learning and its application in different fields. It is widely considered as the most important force in advancing the technology and science. Yet, what is machine learning, how it is implemented, or how it actually works are not clearly explained. Here, I am going to present an introduction to machine learning. I will also present how it can be used to tackle some of the challenging problems in Bioinformatics and computational biology. We will also try some hands-on experience using Scikit-Learn library in python.

The learning goals of this workshop are to provide students with an introduction to machine learning, how it works, and how to move forward and learn more.This workshop is open to all STEM students. In-person and hybrid options are available.

Inferring Phylogenies hosted by Anthony Geneva (2-part workshop) In-person only

Date: October 30 JHSC104A & November 13

Location: JHSC 104BC (11:20 AM-12:20 PM)

In this workshop, students will be given a brief background on phylogenetics theory and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses. Next, students will work through a toy example of performing a basic phylogenetic analysis using provided data. Finally, students will perform an analysis on data they collect (or compile from public databases) and learn to interpret their results.

The learning goals of this workshop will focus on:

  • Introduce students to the core concepts of Bayesian Phylogenetics
  • Prepare data to analyze
  • Perform a basic phylogenetic analysis as a group
  • Perform and interpret a more advanced phylogenetic analysis of data compiled individually.

This workshop is best suited for intermediate computational researchers with at least a year of research experience or 2 have taken at least 2 computer science courses.

Flashtalk Feedback hosted by Grace Brannigan (2-part workshop) In-person

November 20 11:00 AM-1:00 PM, JHSC 104BC 
December 4 11:00 AM-1:00 PM, JHSC 104BC 

This is a 2-part workshop. Participants should plan on attending both workshop dates (in-person) to get the maximum benefits of this workshop.

In this workshop, participants will practice and refine 3-minute “flashtalks” on their research for a general scientific audience. Participants should have a draft of their talk already complete at the beginning of the workshop. 

Learning Goals:
1) Students will become more comfortable and confident while delivering a short format “flashtalk” for a general scientific audience
2) Students will practice providing meaningful and actionable feedback to each other
3) Students will learn to refine the content of their flashtalk to address feedback

Software Carpentries: Data Analysis and Visualization in R

Dates: October 15 and October 16 1:30pm-3:30pm in JHSC 104BC (2 part in-person workshop hosted in JHSC)

Have you ever wanted to upgrade your data visualization skills? Come to the R workshop! In this two-session, two-hour workshop, we’ll guide you through the basics for of R and RStudio, teach you how to wrangle messy data with dplyr, and make publication-quality graphics using ggplot2. This workshop will be hands-on, interactive, and hopefully you will feel more confident and excited to use your new skills to make extremely customizable graphs that go beyond the power of Excel!

The workshop will be in person only hosted in JHSC.

Learning Goals for the workshop are:

  • Students will learn how to navigate R/RStudio.
  • Students will understand the different data types in R and will learn how to manipulate them.
  • Students will learn how to “wrangle” data with the “dplyr” package.
  • Students will learn how to create publication-quality graphics using the “ggplot2” package.